

China sanctions US offcials for ‘HK-related issues’

So I’m totally thrilled by this title of ‘mighty’ ‘justical’ Chinese sanctions.

Not so hard to reason that it’s a tit-for-tat of the previous sanction on HK offcials imposed by US gov.

Wait man, but this is HILARIOUS. I mean literally, hilarious. As far as I’m concerned, very few US offcials would purchase real estate in CN, which is also the main cause of why sanctions on Chinese offcials are regarded as quite effectual and right to the point.

I’m eagerly looking forward to the day when offcials and politicians of every corrupt country and jurisdiction start to rush to CN and jostle for a property that’s scrambled for by tens of thousands, and then Chinese are announcing their sanction bills passed by their rubber-stamped People’s Congress, between the lines one can smell of arrogance and imperiousness yet not a single country in the world could do anything to this big cheeky giant.

So either this day comes, though not expect by any democratic allies, or fuck off shithead commies.